To read this blog you must agree that exercise sucks but that being unhealthy sucks worse! No exercise freaks allowed.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I started taking a basic yoga class at the YMCA three weeks ago.  I really like it and I am finally not in an insane amount of pain for days afterwards.   This week I did about 1/2 the moves and I woke up in just a slight amount of all over body aches. :)  
It is so difficult to start an exercise class. The first week I was a nervous wreck but it is getting easier each week. 

Keep Moving

Friday, December 31, 2010


Happy New Years Eve!  Warning: soap box alert

This is the time of year, obviously, that many people make the decision to start exercising, losing weight, etc.  It is exciting to me that so many people are thinking of making positive changes.  I hope that when people are making their plans for 2011 that they focus on healthy long term changes.  It is also my dream that people will stop fixating on how they look and focus more on how they feel, move, and live. 

It is sad to me when people are caught up in the idea that how they look or how much they weight is so critically important.  It is most disturbing to see young people (kids, teens) thinking that appearance is everything.  Determining their value by weight or size. (heartbreaking)

I agree that it is nice to look good and it is important to care for you appearance but it is when people define their existence by it, live or not live to look a certain way, count their value by a number on the scale that seems so wrong.   

If diets worked, if weighing ourselves worked, if self loathing worked, if hating our bodies worked no one would be fat. 

I know everyone is just trying to lose weight to be 'healthier.'  To this I say bull*%$.  If your primary motivation is truly to be healthier good for you.  If your primary motivation is to look better so your life will be better or be a certain weight so you are worthy to be on the planet than stop lying to yourself and others and saying your goal is overall health.  Be honest with yourself and others.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Companies are spending billions and billions of dollars every year to make us believe that what matters in this life is how we look and how much we weigh. They are wrong but we are buying it hook line and sinker. (too use a fishing analogy, ha) Tv, radio, magazines, office chat... it is everywhere.  We all need to start hearing and seeing different messages on a daily basis. What if we constantly heard things like:
Who you are is good enough
Everyone is worthy
Everyone is beautiful
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes
Healthiness is much more important than size or shape
I could go on for hours!!!!!

Why don't we hear these messages? Hello, because no one will make money from them. 

So, for 2011 my goals is to take care of my physical self. Be the best mom, wife, friend, boss and human being that I can be.  I want to spread messages about how every person is beautiful, worthy, and capable.  That beauty doesn't come in one narrowly defined form.  ugh.  Is anyone with me?
Keep Moving

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Remember that 10 minutes a day of exercise/movement can produce big benefits!  I know that isn't what we have been told for years but it is true.

Which one of the following is better for your health and well being?

A. 10 minutes of exercise/movement
B.  No exercise/movement


Keep Moving

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


If you are going to exercise/move you have to believe you deserve to be healthy and happy. This might be a tough one.  Who are we to deserve fitness? .......

Lately I have been thinking more about food topics and compulsive overeating than exercise so I am going to blog some about that, too. :)

I just finished a great workbook for compulsive overeaters.  Check it out.  Why Weight?  By Geneen Roth

Today observe (don't judge) how you care for yourself.  Are you kind to yourself?  Take 10 minutes today and do something for yourself!

I am getting my green veggies in but it isnt easy.

Keep Moving

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We often think of exercise and nutrition when we want to lose weight but remember they can both help with anxiety, stress, and depression.  Just the right amount of exercise/movement can positively impact your mental health.  Also, certain foods can positively impact how we think and feel each day.

BUT don't get overwhelmed by exercise and nutrition.  Small changes can and will produce big benefits.

I know that if I eat a dark green vegetable every day I feel much better (mentally and physically).  So, do I eat one every day?  Ah, no. Hardly ever. ugh.  So, I am making a public commitment to eating a dark green vegetable every day for 30 days- straight.  To some this might sound stupid and easy, and to them I say, "find a different blog" becase to me it sounds daunting.  I ate broccoli yesterday so I am counting that. (I'll take what I can get)  Let the count down begin.

Is there a small change you would like to make for 30 days, that will have big benefits?  Let me know.

Stretching is a small changed that can produce huge benefits.  Laying on your back extend on leg down on the ground, bend the other leg up towards your chest. Pull the bent leg in towards your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs.  If you can't lay on your back do the same move in a chair.  If it hurts to bring your leg toward your chest move in a pain free range, which may be a small movement. Remember to breath deep and smile while you are moving.  (is it lay or lie when talking about a person?)

Keep Moving

Friday, November 26, 2010


I have finally come to accept 2 things:

1)  My house is a mess in the summer.
2) My car is a mess in the winter.

I think acceptance is everything.  Energy spent fighting these 2 truths can now be spent on exercise/movement.

Back by popular demand the 'sit to stand.'  Sit in a chair. Stand up.  Time yourself for 1 minutes. See how many times you can just touch your butt to the chair and stand back up.  If you have pain take a break.  If your knees hurt make sure that you sit completely each time before you return to standing.  Have fun. Let me know how many you can do in a minute....

Keep Moving

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Every morning it is a struggle for me to exercise. EVERY MORNING.  Every morning I think to myself 'exercise sucks.'  I avoid it by washing clothes, blogging, or anything I can find to do, but ultimately I almost always get it done.  The main reason I finally win the battle is- mental health.  I know that if I don't exercise in the morning I will feel hopeless, angry, short tempered, etc. 

So, I better stop avoiding the elliptical trainer this morning and get down there. ugh.  Remember that if you think 'exercise sucks' you are not alone.  Most people do not like it one bit.  However, don't forget that it doesn't suck as much as being fat, sick, diseased, crazy, dead.

Sitting or standing extend your arms straight out in front of you.  Keeping your arms straight open your arms to the sides.  When you arms are fully extended your body will form a t shape.  Return your arms to the center. Repeat this move 20 times.  (open and close) 
Keep Moving