To read this blog you must agree that exercise sucks but that being unhealthy sucks worse! No exercise freaks allowed.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Don't wait for the day when exercise sounds fun to you.  For most people exercise really does suck and always will. I never jump out of bed and think "I can't wait to get on the elliptical."  I know there are some people who live for it but they are in the minority. Most people are sedentary or they exercise regularly but don't enjoy it. I know this sounds like bad news but really it is ok.  Acceptance is everything.  If you realize that exercise is a necessary evil, on some level, it will have a better chance of making it a regular part of your life for the rest of your life. 

The key is acceptance and also finding what type of exercise/movement you can tolerate.  (aka dislike the least)  Can I get an amen? 

Some good news is that better physical shape you are in the easier and more tolerable all forms of exercise become.  Think about it.. what is easier hauling a 100lb overweight body on a mile walk, or moving the same distance with a fit body?

I myself like exercise once I get past the first ten minutes or if I am doing something I really enjoy like kayaking.  Ipod doesn't hurt either. I always cover up the time if I am on a machine inside.  Know thy self!

Some things in life we need to do even if we don't enjoy them, for most peeps, exercise is on that list.

Keep Moving

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