To read this blog you must agree that exercise sucks but that being unhealthy sucks worse! No exercise freaks allowed.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I started exercising regularly in October 1996. I remember the date because I had recently gotten a DWI which was the beginning of me changing my ways. :)   How I started exercising is a very interesting story but more importantly how have I kept it up?  I think there are many things that have contributed to why I keep exercising but if I tell you all of them it will be overwhelming and you will remember none of them.  One of the main things that has contributed to me maintaining exercise in my life is a simple word document calendar.  Today I realized that for most of 14 years I have been writing my exercise in some kind of calendar almost daily.  I know it sounds like a pain in the ass but what sucks worse logging down exercise or being unhealthy?

Toe touches.  Standing with your knees slightly bent reach in the direction of your left foot with your right hand.  Go as far as you can without pain.  Come back to a standing straight position and head in the direction of the other foot. If you can touch your toes that is great if not that is OK too.  Do this 15 times.  If you get dizzy stop and take some deep breaths.  If it hurts your low back to do this standing, do the same move seated in a chair or on the ball.
Keep Moving

1 comment:

  1. The previous picture was "eye" catching. I couldn't get it out of my mind for about an hour. It made me think about what I would do to succeed. How sometimes you have to stop worrying about what other people think. It also made me think of doing something so meaningful so when you were in the thick of it your dedication was huge.
