Happy Saturday. The weather this month has been excellent. Maybe a nice Fall will make winter seem shorter. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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I am playing McDonald's Monopoly game, there I said it. It is painful for me to admit. Not only am I playing, I am 'in it to win it.' I have never even considered playing this stupid thing before but for some reason this year I'm drawn to it. Kim, what does this have to do with exercise? I am getting to it. First of all, keep in mind that I have an insane competitive streak. :) So, phase one of playing the game was to find out all the rules, determine what the best strategy was for winning. I contacted several people and asked them to save me their pieces, if they were not playing. (Save me your pieces if you are not playing). Phase two was finding out what items at MCD's had game pieces on them. Well well well, nothing healthy has game pieces. Are you F-ing kidding me. Shame on them. I asked the kid working at the desk and she said, "the only healthy items the game pieces are on are the fish sandwich and the fruit smoothie." Seriously in 2010 she thought fish sandwich was healthy. OMG. So, I am disgusted with McD's but still drawn to play this game. strange
Anyway, I have been eating more greasy McD's lately than I normally would and my butt is dragging. I could hardly get out of bed this morning. I got up and thought "I don't have the energy to workout. I'm wrecked." I started to think about what might be kicking my butt- ding ding ding- McDonalds! I kid you not, I feel sluggish and exhausted. Now is this going to make me stop eating it and quit the game? No, but I am aware that fast food definitely impacts energy level. It is hard enough to do this sucky exercise crap let alone doing it totally drained. The moral of the story is that if you are going to play fast food monopoly play in moderation and get your friends to collect most of the pieces. Or maybe it is feed the body crap and you will feel like crap. Or maybe it is even more profound, McD's doesn't put chips on healthy stuff because they want Americans to stay sluggish and unhealthy, so we don't wise up and skip them all together.
10 minutes of cardio. Turn on a radio or watch tv. Make sure that you can see a clock. Do each of the following moves for 2 minutes without stopping :
march in place
kick alternating legs
step to the side and back (in place)
March in place
Heel digs (kick your leg forward but put the heel into the ground in front of you, alternate legs)
Keep Moving
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