Happy New Years Eve! Warning: soap box alert
This is the time of year, obviously, that many people make the decision to start exercising, losing weight, etc. It is exciting to me that so many people are thinking of making positive changes. I hope that when people are making their plans for 2011 that they focus on healthy long term changes. It is also my dream that people will stop fixating on how they look and focus more on how they feel, move, and live.
It is sad to me when people are caught up in the idea that how they look or how much they weight is so critically important. It is most disturbing to see young people (kids, teens) thinking that appearance is everything. Determining their value by weight or size. (heartbreaking)
I agree that it is nice to look good and it is important to care for you appearance but it is when people define their existence by it, live or not live to look a certain way, count their value by a number on the scale that seems so wrong.
If diets worked, if weighing ourselves worked, if self loathing worked, if hating our bodies worked no one would be fat.
I know everyone is just trying to lose weight to be 'healthier.' To this I say bull*%$. If your primary motivation is truly to be healthier good for you. If your primary motivation is to look better so your life will be better or be a certain weight so you are worthy to be on the planet than stop lying to yourself and others and saying your goal is overall health. Be honest with yourself and others. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Companies are spending billions and billions of dollars every year to make us believe that what matters in this life is how we look and how much we weigh. They are wrong but we are buying it hook line and sinker. (too use a fishing analogy, ha) Tv, radio, magazines, office chat... it is everywhere. We all need to start hearing and seeing different messages on a daily basis. What if we constantly heard things like:
Who you are is good enough
Everyone is worthy
Everyone is beautiful
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes
Healthiness is much more important than size or shape
I could go on for hours!!!!!
Why don't we hear these messages? Hello, because no one will make money from them.
So, for 2011 my goals is to take care of my physical self. Be the best mom, wife, friend, boss and human being that I can be. I want to spread messages about how every person is beautiful, worthy, and capable. That beauty doesn't come in one narrowly defined form. ugh. Is anyone with me?
Keep Moving
Exercise sucks but being unhealthy and out of shape sucks worse. Every person is worthy and capable of enjoying their body's ability to move.

To read this blog you must agree that exercise sucks but that being unhealthy sucks worse! No exercise freaks allowed.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Remember that 10 minutes a day of exercise/movement can produce big benefits! I know that isn't what we have been told for years but it is true.
Which one of the following is better for your health and well being?
A. 10 minutes of exercise/movement
B. No exercise/movement
Keep Moving
Which one of the following is better for your health and well being?
A. 10 minutes of exercise/movement
B. No exercise/movement
Keep Moving
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
If you are going to exercise/move you have to believe you deserve to be healthy and happy. This might be a tough one. Who are we to deserve fitness? .......
Lately I have been thinking more about food topics and compulsive overeating than exercise so I am going to blog some about that, too. :)
I just finished a great workbook for compulsive overeaters. Check it out. Why Weight? By Geneen Roth
Today observe (don't judge) how you care for yourself. Are you kind to yourself? Take 10 minutes today and do something for yourself!
I am getting my green veggies in but it isnt easy.
Keep Moving
Lately I have been thinking more about food topics and compulsive overeating than exercise so I am going to blog some about that, too. :)
I just finished a great workbook for compulsive overeaters. Check it out. Why Weight? By Geneen Roth
Today observe (don't judge) how you care for yourself. Are you kind to yourself? Take 10 minutes today and do something for yourself!
I am getting my green veggies in but it isnt easy.
Keep Moving
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
We often think of exercise and nutrition when we want to lose weight but remember they can both help with anxiety, stress, and depression. Just the right amount of exercise/movement can positively impact your mental health. Also, certain foods can positively impact how we think and feel each day.
BUT don't get overwhelmed by exercise and nutrition. Small changes can and will produce big benefits.
I know that if I eat a dark green vegetable every day I feel much better (mentally and physically). So, do I eat one every day? Ah, no. Hardly ever. ugh. So, I am making a public commitment to eating a dark green vegetable every day for 30 days- straight. To some this might sound stupid and easy, and to them I say, "find a different blog" becase to me it sounds daunting. I ate broccoli yesterday so I am counting that. (I'll take what I can get) Let the count down begin.
Is there a small change you would like to make for 30 days, that will have big benefits? Let me know.
Stretching is a small changed that can produce huge benefits. Laying on your back extend on leg down on the ground, bend the other leg up towards your chest. Pull the bent leg in towards your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs. If you can't lay on your back do the same move in a chair. If it hurts to bring your leg toward your chest move in a pain free range, which may be a small movement. Remember to breath deep and smile while you are moving. (is it lay or lie when talking about a person?)
Keep Moving
BUT don't get overwhelmed by exercise and nutrition. Small changes can and will produce big benefits.
I know that if I eat a dark green vegetable every day I feel much better (mentally and physically). So, do I eat one every day? Ah, no. Hardly ever. ugh. So, I am making a public commitment to eating a dark green vegetable every day for 30 days- straight. To some this might sound stupid and easy, and to them I say, "find a different blog" becase to me it sounds daunting. I ate broccoli yesterday so I am counting that. (I'll take what I can get) Let the count down begin.
Is there a small change you would like to make for 30 days, that will have big benefits? Let me know.
Stretching is a small changed that can produce huge benefits. Laying on your back extend on leg down on the ground, bend the other leg up towards your chest. Pull the bent leg in towards your chest and hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs. If you can't lay on your back do the same move in a chair. If it hurts to bring your leg toward your chest move in a pain free range, which may be a small movement. Remember to breath deep and smile while you are moving. (is it lay or lie when talking about a person?)
Keep Moving
Friday, November 26, 2010
I have finally come to accept 2 things:
1) My house is a mess in the summer.
2) My car is a mess in the winter.
I think acceptance is everything. Energy spent fighting these 2 truths can now be spent on exercise/movement.
Back by popular demand the 'sit to stand.' Sit in a chair. Stand up. Time yourself for 1 minutes. See how many times you can just touch your butt to the chair and stand back up. If you have pain take a break. If your knees hurt make sure that you sit completely each time before you return to standing. Have fun. Let me know how many you can do in a minute....
Keep Moving
1) My house is a mess in the summer.
2) My car is a mess in the winter.
I think acceptance is everything. Energy spent fighting these 2 truths can now be spent on exercise/movement.
Back by popular demand the 'sit to stand.' Sit in a chair. Stand up. Time yourself for 1 minutes. See how many times you can just touch your butt to the chair and stand back up. If you have pain take a break. If your knees hurt make sure that you sit completely each time before you return to standing. Have fun. Let me know how many you can do in a minute....
Keep Moving
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Every morning it is a struggle for me to exercise. EVERY MORNING. Every morning I think to myself 'exercise sucks.' I avoid it by washing clothes, blogging, or anything I can find to do, but ultimately I almost always get it done. The main reason I finally win the battle is- mental health. I know that if I don't exercise in the morning I will feel hopeless, angry, short tempered, etc.
So, I better stop avoiding the elliptical trainer this morning and get down there. ugh. Remember that if you think 'exercise sucks' you are not alone. Most people do not like it one bit. However, don't forget that it doesn't suck as much as being fat, sick, diseased, crazy, dead.
Sitting or standing extend your arms straight out in front of you. Keeping your arms straight open your arms to the sides. When you arms are fully extended your body will form a t shape. Return your arms to the center. Repeat this move 20 times. (open and close)
Keep Moving
So, I better stop avoiding the elliptical trainer this morning and get down there. ugh. Remember that if you think 'exercise sucks' you are not alone. Most people do not like it one bit. However, don't forget that it doesn't suck as much as being fat, sick, diseased, crazy, dead.
Sitting or standing extend your arms straight out in front of you. Keeping your arms straight open your arms to the sides. When you arms are fully extended your body will form a t shape. Return your arms to the center. Repeat this move 20 times. (open and close)
Keep Moving
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I attended a 5k yesterday for the Girl on the Run Bluff Country. It is so motivating to watch the girls accomplish something they didn't think was possible. Each 3rd grade girl ran 3.2 miles in the winter cold. The cheering crowd really helped to motivate the girls to keep going. We can't all have cheering crowd in our house to get us moving each day but it is helpful to figure out what things help motivate you. (music, new outfit, pumpkin spice candle, clean socks, trip planned) http://www.girlsontherunbc.org/
Hop in place 20 times while reaching for the sky. If hopping hurts your knees or back keep one foot planted on the ground and raise each leg 10 times while reaching for the sky. Hopping isn't just for kids anymore.
Keep Moving
Hop in place 20 times while reaching for the sky. If hopping hurts your knees or back keep one foot planted on the ground and raise each leg 10 times while reaching for the sky. Hopping isn't just for kids anymore.
Keep Moving
Saturday, November 13, 2010
If you struggle with food addiction check out the video and book at http://www.theendofovereating.com/.
Turn on the radio and dance for 10 minutes. It doesn't matter if you are a good, bad, or fab dancer. Just turn the tunes on and move for 10 minutes. If you need to sit down, dance in your seat.
Keep Moving
Turn on the radio and dance for 10 minutes. It doesn't matter if you are a good, bad, or fab dancer. Just turn the tunes on and move for 10 minutes. If you need to sit down, dance in your seat.
Keep Moving
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Trying less hard can produce results.
Ankle rolls. Sitting or laying down rotate your ankle five times in one direction and five times in the opposite direction. Do this with each foot. If you hear popping and cracking that is OK unless you feel pain. If you feel pain move in a pain free range.
Keep Moving
Ankle rolls. Sitting or laying down rotate your ankle five times in one direction and five times in the opposite direction. Do this with each foot. If you hear popping and cracking that is OK unless you feel pain. If you feel pain move in a pain free range.
Keep Moving
Monday, November 8, 2010
I started exercising regularly in October 1996. I remember the date because I had recently gotten a DWI which was the beginning of me changing my ways. :) How I started exercising is a very interesting story but more importantly how have I kept it up? I think there are many things that have contributed to why I keep exercising but if I tell you all of them it will be overwhelming and you will remember none of them. One of the main things that has contributed to me maintaining exercise in my life is a simple word document calendar. Today I realized that for most of 14 years I have been writing my exercise in some kind of calendar almost daily. I know it sounds like a pain in the ass but what sucks worse logging down exercise or being unhealthy?
Toe touches. Standing with your knees slightly bent reach in the direction of your left foot with your right hand. Go as far as you can without pain. Come back to a standing straight position and head in the direction of the other foot. If you can touch your toes that is great if not that is OK too. Do this 15 times. If you get dizzy stop and take some deep breaths. If it hurts your low back to do this standing, do the same move seated in a chair or on the ball.
Keep Moving
Toe touches. Standing with your knees slightly bent reach in the direction of your left foot with your right hand. Go as far as you can without pain. Come back to a standing straight position and head in the direction of the other foot. If you can touch your toes that is great if not that is OK too. Do this 15 times. If you get dizzy stop and take some deep breaths. If it hurts your low back to do this standing, do the same move seated in a chair or on the ball.
Keep Moving
Friday, November 5, 2010
Every now and again I read something that for whatever reason hits me differently. Here is a bit of an article that hit me this morn-
Act "As If"
"Who do you want to be? How do you want to live? What's your ideal? Do you want to be in terrific physical shape?Happy?Enlightened?
Act as if everything you desire is already here,"advises Dyer. "Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to become." In other words, whatever your ideal is, picture that image. Then, on a moment-to-moment basis, act "as if" you already are that person."
This you don't get to 'act as if', actually do it.:)
Crunches. Having core strength is important for so much of daily activity. Lay on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Legs parallel to each other and hip width apart. Place your fingers tips on the back of your head and keep your elbows wide. Never pull on your head and keep your elbows wide throughout the movement. Tighten up your stomach muscles. Exhale and actually think about using your abdominal muscles to lift your upper body. If you have any pain stop and work on tightening and releasing your stomach muscles 30 times without straining your neck or any other muscles. It takes time to learn how to use the abdominal muscles. If you don't have pain do 30 crunches lifting and lowering without using hands or neck. Let me know if you have questions.
Keep Moving
Act "As If"
"Who do you want to be? How do you want to live? What's your ideal? Do you want to be in terrific physical shape?Happy?Enlightened?
Act as if everything you desire is already here,"advises Dyer. "Treat yourself as if you already are what you'd like to become." In other words, whatever your ideal is, picture that image. Then, on a moment-to-moment basis, act "as if" you already are that person."
This you don't get to 'act as if', actually do it.:)
Crunches. Having core strength is important for so much of daily activity. Lay on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Legs parallel to each other and hip width apart. Place your fingers tips on the back of your head and keep your elbows wide. Never pull on your head and keep your elbows wide throughout the movement. Tighten up your stomach muscles. Exhale and actually think about using your abdominal muscles to lift your upper body. If you have any pain stop and work on tightening and releasing your stomach muscles 30 times without straining your neck or any other muscles. It takes time to learn how to use the abdominal muscles. If you don't have pain do 30 crunches lifting and lowering without using hands or neck. Let me know if you have questions.
Keep Moving
Sunday, October 31, 2010
If you are spending precious life energy struggling with weight loss and/or body images issues this is a must read. http://www.experiencelifemag.com/issues/november-2010/healthy-eating/intuitive-eating-for-weight-loss.php
Today I am encouraging you to take movement outdoors. Gear up and go outside for a ten minute walk (wheel chairs-roll), in any direction. If you are absolutely unable to get outside get surrounded by as much a nature as you can and walk in place for 10 minutes or move whatever parts are mobile. For this one, as always, breath deep and smile, and observe! Be present in the moment. Notice the sights sounds and smells. Whatever they maybe....
Keep Moving
Today I am encouraging you to take movement outdoors. Gear up and go outside for a ten minute walk (wheel chairs-roll), in any direction. If you are absolutely unable to get outside get surrounded by as much a nature as you can and walk in place for 10 minutes or move whatever parts are mobile. For this one, as always, breath deep and smile, and observe! Be present in the moment. Notice the sights sounds and smells. Whatever they maybe....
Keep Moving
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Just baked some pumpkin seeds. Yum! If it didn't sound like so much work I would gut a few more pumpkins and stock up.
This morning, during my early morning shopping ritual, I stopped at Walmart. While shopping it was painful for me to watch how in pain some of the employees seemed to be. It looked like many of them were in extreme pain just trying to make simple movements like bending over, etc. I spent a little time talking with a few of them, not about exercise, but just about the great coffee choices. I made an effort to send them each positive loving energy and kindness. It can't be easy to be in so much pain. Exercise sucks bad enough, trying to do it with physical pain is a lot to ask. I am saying a prayer today for all those who are in physical pain. I hope that they find relief and are able to move without limitations. For all who are not in pain, please take advantage of your gifts and exercise/move today for those who cannot.
I was so into the post I almost forgot the FITNESS MOVE, you should be so lucky...
In honor of all those in pain, here is something painful :)
The Full Roll Up
Lay on the floor with your arms extended above your head. If it is painful to lay on the floor sit in a chair and tighten your abdominal muscles 10 times for 30 seconds each. If you can lay on the floor without pain take a deep breath exhale, float your arms to the ceiling and do a full roll up to a seated position. Inhale at the top and exhale back down slowly. Do this move 5 times. If you have pain only move in a pain free range. Remember that pain is your body's way of saying that something is wrong. The 'no pain, no gain' philosophy is a joke.
Keep Moving
This morning, during my early morning shopping ritual, I stopped at Walmart. While shopping it was painful for me to watch how in pain some of the employees seemed to be. It looked like many of them were in extreme pain just trying to make simple movements like bending over, etc. I spent a little time talking with a few of them, not about exercise, but just about the great coffee choices. I made an effort to send them each positive loving energy and kindness. It can't be easy to be in so much pain. Exercise sucks bad enough, trying to do it with physical pain is a lot to ask. I am saying a prayer today for all those who are in physical pain. I hope that they find relief and are able to move without limitations. For all who are not in pain, please take advantage of your gifts and exercise/move today for those who cannot.
I was so into the post I almost forgot the FITNESS MOVE, you should be so lucky...
In honor of all those in pain, here is something painful :)
The Full Roll Up
Lay on the floor with your arms extended above your head. If it is painful to lay on the floor sit in a chair and tighten your abdominal muscles 10 times for 30 seconds each. If you can lay on the floor without pain take a deep breath exhale, float your arms to the ceiling and do a full roll up to a seated position. Inhale at the top and exhale back down slowly. Do this move 5 times. If you have pain only move in a pain free range. Remember that pain is your body's way of saying that something is wrong. The 'no pain, no gain' philosophy is a joke.
Keep Moving
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Instead of thinking 'when I have more time and motivation I will start exercising,' think 'I will have more time and motivation if I start exercising."
Remember that movement is what we are after and breathing is moving. The move today is sitting or standing take 10 deep breaths. Each time you breath fill your lungs up completely. Each time you exhale breath every bit of breath out.
Keep Moving
Remember that movement is what we are after and breathing is moving. The move today is sitting or standing take 10 deep breaths. Each time you breath fill your lungs up completely. Each time you exhale breath every bit of breath out.
Keep Moving
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I was moving around a lot at work today, usually I am planted in my chair. This movement reminded me of the fact that-objects in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest.
Starting midnight tonight log for the next 24 hours how much you are sitting or lying down. No you are not getting out of some physical activity- also, do 15 jumping jacks. Yes, jumping jacks. If you have bad knees or a bad back do them low impact. Low impact jumping jacks are the same as regular but you move one leg to the side at a time.
Keep Moving
Starting midnight tonight log for the next 24 hours how much you are sitting or lying down. No you are not getting out of some physical activity- also, do 15 jumping jacks. Yes, jumping jacks. If you have bad knees or a bad back do them low impact. Low impact jumping jacks are the same as regular but you move one leg to the side at a time.
Keep Moving
Monday, October 25, 2010
It is ridiculous how we are constantly bombarded with messages about thinness and beauty. Weight-loss commercials, beauty products, diet books, talk shows about how gorgeous people live, blah, blah, blah. Some of the most destructive products and programs are masquerading as healthy allies. If they are trying to improve your health, why are 98% of their messages appearance-based? It's sad to me that we, as a society, are still placing so much value on physical appearance when, in reality, it should never be at the top of our priority lists. If we all know deep down that how we look is not the most important thing in our lives, why do we keep spending our money on products and plans to try to look a certain way? It would be great if people exercised simply because they wanted to enjoy their bodies in motion. Oh Kim, that is ridiculous. Is it? Watch children playing. Do you see them climb up the slide and turn to each other and say, "Wow, we are really getting our exercise in today" — no, they are moving purely because it feels good and is fun. We were all children once who enjoyed moving.
One of the biggest reasons exercise sucks is because we think we 'have to' do it so that we can lose weight and look better. But deep down we want to be valued simply for who we are inside. If we didn't 'have to' exercise we might be more lively to move just because we 'get to.'
If you want to live the highest quality of life possible, do not buy into this bullshit that your value as a human being is in anyway determined by how you look. It is a lie that companies are selling you to make money — because it works, for them. Today I am selling something different: Who you are is good enough and every person is worthy and capable of enjoying their body's ability to move. The cost for this amazing product is free. The reason I am selling it is because it is the truth.
Standing or sitting, reach toward the ceiling, alternating arms. If you are standing remember to keep your knees slightly bent. Do this for the count of 100. (each set equals 1) If you have pain or a pinch in your shoulder, only move in a pain free range. If your arms get tired, just keep going. Make sure to keep breathing and you know, smile, and keep abs tight.
Keep Moving
One of the biggest reasons exercise sucks is because we think we 'have to' do it so that we can lose weight and look better. But deep down we want to be valued simply for who we are inside. If we didn't 'have to' exercise we might be more lively to move just because we 'get to.'
If you want to live the highest quality of life possible, do not buy into this bullshit that your value as a human being is in anyway determined by how you look. It is a lie that companies are selling you to make money — because it works, for them. Today I am selling something different: Who you are is good enough and every person is worthy and capable of enjoying their body's ability to move. The cost for this amazing product is free. The reason I am selling it is because it is the truth.
Standing or sitting, reach toward the ceiling, alternating arms. If you are standing remember to keep your knees slightly bent. Do this for the count of 100. (each set equals 1) If you have pain or a pinch in your shoulder, only move in a pain free range. If your arms get tired, just keep going. Make sure to keep breathing and you know, smile, and keep abs tight.
Keep Moving
Sunday, October 24, 2010
"Do your best," is what I tell my kids. I constantly tell my sons, "all that matters is that you do your best and have fun." Unfortunately, this is not the message I send to myself. My internal message sounds more like, "you need to do way better, try harder or you are going to fail and look stupid again." How can there be such a huge discrepancy between what I tell the people I love and what I tell myself? ugh. No wonder it's so hard to find the motivation to exercise. Thankfully, this morning I was overcome with a sense of peace and calm. I had a momentary thought of, "Kim just do your best, that's all anyone expects of you." It was amazing. I am a spiritual person so I attribute the message to God cutting me a break this morn,whatever it was- fewft. Today, because of the kind message, I have simply been reminding myself to "do my best." With the mean monster messages on vacation for the day, I have been more energized and moving my body more. Interesting...
Sitting straight up in a chair extend one leg. Move the foot of the extended leg,with the point of movement being the ankle- flex the foot towards your head and point it away from your head. Do this 15 times. Breath deep each time. Alternate and extend the other leg and do 15 flex/point moves with that foot. Keep your stomach muscles tight the entire time if you can. If your low back hurts don't put your leg up very high.
Keep Moving
Sitting straight up in a chair extend one leg. Move the foot of the extended leg,with the point of movement being the ankle- flex the foot towards your head and point it away from your head. Do this 15 times. Breath deep each time. Alternate and extend the other leg and do 15 flex/point moves with that foot. Keep your stomach muscles tight the entire time if you can. If your low back hurts don't put your leg up very high.
Keep Moving
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I forgot the move of the day. I bet you thought your were off the hook. not
Sitting or standing (if standing make sure your knees are slightly bent) punch forward alternating arms. Punch forward for 2 minutes. Make sure to keep breathing and smiling the entire time. You heard me, see if you can actually smile for 2 minutes while punching.
Keep Moving
Sitting or standing (if standing make sure your knees are slightly bent) punch forward alternating arms. Punch forward for 2 minutes. Make sure to keep breathing and smiling the entire time. You heard me, see if you can actually smile for 2 minutes while punching.
Keep Moving
I just read a great quote- "The body is an incredible machine. Its function actually improves with use if its movement is compatible with its design" (ACE Personal Training Manual www.acefitness.org) . Sometimes the simplest things make the most sense. Appreciate, move and be good to your body, and it will respond positively.
Keep Moving
Keep Moving
Monday, October 18, 2010
I just watched a great show on PBS called The Teachings of Jon. teachingsofjon.com Jon seems like an amazing guy. I'm having trouble going to sleep because the show was so motivating and inspiring.
Head circles- sitting or standing rotate your head slowly in one direction. Make a complete circle with your head. If it hurts stop. If you hear cracking and popping that is OK. Make sure not to hold your breath. Relax your eyes and jaw. Do a few circles one direction and reverse the motion. Go 3 times each way if want to count
Keep Moving
Head circles- sitting or standing rotate your head slowly in one direction. Make a complete circle with your head. If it hurts stop. If you hear cracking and popping that is OK. Make sure not to hold your breath. Relax your eyes and jaw. Do a few circles one direction and reverse the motion. Go 3 times each way if want to count
Keep Moving
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Happy Saturday. The weather this month has been excellent. Maybe a nice Fall will make winter seem shorter. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Remember that I can answer any personal training questions you have, via this blog.(Free) You can send me a message or post a comment/question.
I am playing McDonald's Monopoly game, there I said it. It is painful for me to admit. Not only am I playing, I am 'in it to win it.' I have never even considered playing this stupid thing before but for some reason this year I'm drawn to it. Kim, what does this have to do with exercise? I am getting to it. First of all, keep in mind that I have an insane competitive streak. :) So, phase one of playing the game was to find out all the rules, determine what the best strategy was for winning. I contacted several people and asked them to save me their pieces, if they were not playing. (Save me your pieces if you are not playing). Phase two was finding out what items at MCD's had game pieces on them. Well well well, nothing healthy has game pieces. Are you F-ing kidding me. Shame on them. I asked the kid working at the desk and she said, "the only healthy items the game pieces are on are the fish sandwich and the fruit smoothie." Seriously in 2010 she thought fish sandwich was healthy. OMG. So, I am disgusted with McD's but still drawn to play this game. strange
Anyway, I have been eating more greasy McD's lately than I normally would and my butt is dragging. I could hardly get out of bed this morning. I got up and thought "I don't have the energy to workout. I'm wrecked." I started to think about what might be kicking my butt- ding ding ding- McDonalds! I kid you not, I feel sluggish and exhausted. Now is this going to make me stop eating it and quit the game? No, but I am aware that fast food definitely impacts energy level. It is hard enough to do this sucky exercise crap let alone doing it totally drained. The moral of the story is that if you are going to play fast food monopoly play in moderation and get your friends to collect most of the pieces. Or maybe it is feed the body crap and you will feel like crap. Or maybe it is even more profound, McD's doesn't put chips on healthy stuff because they want Americans to stay sluggish and unhealthy, so we don't wise up and skip them all together.
10 minutes of cardio. Turn on a radio or watch tv. Make sure that you can see a clock. Do each of the following moves for 2 minutes without stopping :
march in place
kick alternating legs
step to the side and back (in place)
March in place
Heel digs (kick your leg forward but put the heel into the ground in front of you, alternate legs)
Keep Moving
Remember that I can answer any personal training questions you have, via this blog.(Free) You can send me a message or post a comment/question.
I am playing McDonald's Monopoly game, there I said it. It is painful for me to admit. Not only am I playing, I am 'in it to win it.' I have never even considered playing this stupid thing before but for some reason this year I'm drawn to it. Kim, what does this have to do with exercise? I am getting to it. First of all, keep in mind that I have an insane competitive streak. :) So, phase one of playing the game was to find out all the rules, determine what the best strategy was for winning. I contacted several people and asked them to save me their pieces, if they were not playing. (Save me your pieces if you are not playing). Phase two was finding out what items at MCD's had game pieces on them. Well well well, nothing healthy has game pieces. Are you F-ing kidding me. Shame on them. I asked the kid working at the desk and she said, "the only healthy items the game pieces are on are the fish sandwich and the fruit smoothie." Seriously in 2010 she thought fish sandwich was healthy. OMG. So, I am disgusted with McD's but still drawn to play this game. strange
Anyway, I have been eating more greasy McD's lately than I normally would and my butt is dragging. I could hardly get out of bed this morning. I got up and thought "I don't have the energy to workout. I'm wrecked." I started to think about what might be kicking my butt- ding ding ding- McDonalds! I kid you not, I feel sluggish and exhausted. Now is this going to make me stop eating it and quit the game? No, but I am aware that fast food definitely impacts energy level. It is hard enough to do this sucky exercise crap let alone doing it totally drained. The moral of the story is that if you are going to play fast food monopoly play in moderation and get your friends to collect most of the pieces. Or maybe it is feed the body crap and you will feel like crap. Or maybe it is even more profound, McD's doesn't put chips on healthy stuff because they want Americans to stay sluggish and unhealthy, so we don't wise up and skip them all together.
10 minutes of cardio. Turn on a radio or watch tv. Make sure that you can see a clock. Do each of the following moves for 2 minutes without stopping :
march in place
kick alternating legs
step to the side and back (in place)
March in place
Heel digs (kick your leg forward but put the heel into the ground in front of you, alternate legs)
Keep Moving
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Target has the Christmas section up and running. ugh. If Target can get ahead of the 'holiday crap' so should we. I am not a fan of the retail season. Usually I fight the holidays but this year my plan is less resistance and more- use their momentum in my favor. If they can think months ahead, dammit so can I. I want to be feeling great this holiday season; eating more green vegetables and have a higher level of peace/calm in my daily life. I have lots of important goals so, this holiday season, I am going to skip buying retail goods and hijack their foresight. Thanks for the heads up Target, I'm on it. (In your face retailers) Are you with me? Less buying and more self-care.
The choices you make today directly impact how your tomorrow looks. If you want to be fit and healthy in the future, make some good choices today. Christmas will come in a few months and you will either be feeling good because you have started to make movement/exercise part of your life or you will be beating yourself up and preparing a 2011 New Years resolution. Start now with something small. You don't have to go 'all or nothing' on this one. If you start today with something small, by Christmas you will be darn proud of yourself.
Stand up straight. You may want to use a wall or chair to balance. Stand on one leg. Raise the other leg in and out (to the side). Do not set the leg down in between. Raise and lower the leg to the side 15 times. After you have done 15 on one side switch legs and do the other side. Remember to slightly bend the knee of the leg you are standing on (keep the knee soft)(don't lock your joints).
Keep Moving
The choices you make today directly impact how your tomorrow looks. If you want to be fit and healthy in the future, make some good choices today. Christmas will come in a few months and you will either be feeling good because you have started to make movement/exercise part of your life or you will be beating yourself up and preparing a 2011 New Years resolution. Start now with something small. You don't have to go 'all or nothing' on this one. If you start today with something small, by Christmas you will be darn proud of yourself.
Stand up straight. You may want to use a wall or chair to balance. Stand on one leg. Raise the other leg in and out (to the side). Do not set the leg down in between. Raise and lower the leg to the side 15 times. After you have done 15 on one side switch legs and do the other side. Remember to slightly bend the knee of the leg you are standing on (keep the knee soft)(don't lock your joints).
Keep Moving
Friday, October 8, 2010
Happy Friday!
I recently finished a good book called 'Overcoming Addictions' by Deepak Chopra, M.D. The book is about all kinds of addictions and spiritual solutions to each. I thought the section on TV addiction was interesting and might have strong implications to exercise, or lack of.
"Another marker of addictive behavior is the sense of guilt that accompanies it, and which somehow seems to fuel the addiction rather than suppress it. In a study of leisure-time activities, television was the only one that evoked feelings of guilt. Other leisure activities created more pleasure the longer they were pursued, but television produced guilt rather than enjoyment."
If you are having trouble making exercise/movement part of your life review your TV watching habits. When are you watching TV? How much? How does it make you feel? TV might not only be sedentary it might be adding guilt to your life and draining some of the energy you need to get moving!
I am going to study my own (and my families) TV habits and see how it is impacting us. I'll keep you posted. FYI- my husband loves TV so don't tell him that it is under investigation. ha
Sit up straight in a chair (preferably solid type chair) and raise up each leg alternating. Keep your leg bent when you lift it. Basically march in your chair. Watch the clock and do this for one minute. Make sure not to hold your breath.
Keep Moving
I recently finished a good book called 'Overcoming Addictions' by Deepak Chopra, M.D. The book is about all kinds of addictions and spiritual solutions to each. I thought the section on TV addiction was interesting and might have strong implications to exercise, or lack of.
"Another marker of addictive behavior is the sense of guilt that accompanies it, and which somehow seems to fuel the addiction rather than suppress it. In a study of leisure-time activities, television was the only one that evoked feelings of guilt. Other leisure activities created more pleasure the longer they were pursued, but television produced guilt rather than enjoyment."
If you are having trouble making exercise/movement part of your life review your TV watching habits. When are you watching TV? How much? How does it make you feel? TV might not only be sedentary it might be adding guilt to your life and draining some of the energy you need to get moving!
I am going to study my own (and my families) TV habits and see how it is impacting us. I'll keep you posted. FYI- my husband loves TV so don't tell him that it is under investigation. ha
Sit up straight in a chair (preferably solid type chair) and raise up each leg alternating. Keep your leg bent when you lift it. Basically march in your chair. Watch the clock and do this for one minute. Make sure not to hold your breath.
Keep Moving
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Everything is easier with a blue sky!
The best time of day to exercise is... the time that will work the best for you. It's great to exercise in the morning because it eliminates the chance that life will get in the way, but if you are not a morning person this is not a battle you want to fight. Take the path of least resistance. I get it done in the morning but I love mornings. I do know people who successfully exercise routinely in the evening. Pick the time that will work best for you. Also, use mp3 players, magazines, TV whatever means necessary. After you decide what time of day gives you the best chance get n r done, start with small amounts of moderate exercise. Getting fit and making movement part of your life is all about moderation and consistency.
Sit up straight and tighten up your stomach muscles for 2 minutes straight. Make sure to breath so you don't pass out.
Keep Moving
The best time of day to exercise is... the time that will work the best for you. It's great to exercise in the morning because it eliminates the chance that life will get in the way, but if you are not a morning person this is not a battle you want to fight. Take the path of least resistance. I get it done in the morning but I love mornings. I do know people who successfully exercise routinely in the evening. Pick the time that will work best for you. Also, use mp3 players, magazines, TV whatever means necessary. After you decide what time of day gives you the best chance get n r done, start with small amounts of moderate exercise. Getting fit and making movement part of your life is all about moderation and consistency.
Sit up straight and tighten up your stomach muscles for 2 minutes straight. Make sure to breath so you don't pass out.
Keep Moving
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
This morning I am thinking about how much I love my kids. It is almost overwhelming to realize how much I love them and how important they are to me. I know other people feel that way about their kids or other people in their lives that they love with all their hearts. That's really nice but what does this have to do with movement/exercise? After I was flooded with gratitude it occurred to me that I would anything for my kids, so why don't I take better care for myself. Everyday I make sure the kids get the right foods and exercise but I neglect my own needs. The people that we love, love us, and want us to be healthy and live a happy long life.
Today if you can't get motivate to move for yourself do it for the people you love!
If you encounter a set of stairs today. Go up and down three times without stopping. If you don't encounter a set of stairs make three extra trips that you wouldn't normally make. (bathroom, water cooler, basement)
If you are an over achiever you can do both. :)
Keep Moving
Today if you can't get motivate to move for yourself do it for the people you love!
If you encounter a set of stairs today. Go up and down three times without stopping. If you don't encounter a set of stairs make three extra trips that you wouldn't normally make. (bathroom, water cooler, basement)
If you are an over achiever you can do both. :)
Keep Moving
Monday, October 4, 2010
It isn't Martha Stewart or Good House Keeping but I have shorts, socks, and a bra on my floor ready to grab in the dark, so I can exercise before the kids get up in the morning.
Your body deserves to be treated with kindness! Be good to yourself.
Keep Moving
Your body deserves to be treated with kindness! Be good to yourself.
Keep Moving
Make it a great Monday. Focus on positive things. Positive thoughts will increase your energy which will help you move/exercise. :) Positive thinking is also part of the path to fitness.
Already today I am happy for:
Two great kids
Hot water in the shower
Nylons that are big enough
A fabulous white watch
Colorful leaves to look at on the way to work
Positive thoughts = more energy. More energy = more movement.
Keep Moving
Already today I am happy for:
Two great kids
Hot water in the shower
Nylons that are big enough
A fabulous white watch
Colorful leaves to look at on the way to work
Positive thoughts = more energy. More energy = more movement.
Keep Moving
Sunday, October 3, 2010
How to run a Sunday so that your ready for Monday. Man I love a Sunday. Sunday is a holy day and to me the best way to 'get holy' is to do the things that make me the happiest. If I am happy I have more energy to exercise/move and be good to myself and the people I love. Today what is making me happy is cleaning the house, getting the Halloween decorations out, burning a pumpkin candle with the windows open and the sun shining in, making sure all the laundry is done, a dozen hard boiled eggs are cooked, two pounds of hamburger are browned and ready for easy use during the week. I know this doesn't sound glamorous but it's my own personal heaven. Having Sunday 'my way' is so energizing. I don't know about you but when I'm happy, I can take on the world. A well organized planned Sunday can be the start of a kick butt week.
Remember that it isn't selfish to get your needs met; be happy. It is more selfish to neglect your needs and not be good to the people you love. Just my opinion.
Oblique Twist. Sit up straight in your chair or on a ball. Cross your arms across your chest. Keeping your nose in line with your spine turn your upper body to the left and then back to center. Do this 15 times to the left and then 15 times to the right. Try to keep your stomach tight and do not hold your breath.
Keep Moving
Remember that it isn't selfish to get your needs met; be happy. It is more selfish to neglect your needs and not be good to the people you love. Just my opinion.
Oblique Twist. Sit up straight in your chair or on a ball. Cross your arms across your chest. Keeping your nose in line with your spine turn your upper body to the left and then back to center. Do this 15 times to the left and then 15 times to the right. Try to keep your stomach tight and do not hold your breath.
Keep Moving
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Those who know me might know this already but I must confess that I am a nerd. I have some massive nerdy tendencies that can not be denied. Take for example my Saturday morning routine:
I love to get up before the sun on Saturday morning. I go to the grocery store before anyone is up. I like to stop at my favorite gas station and get my car washed, put all recyclable water bottles in the bin, have a nice cup of coffee and enjoy a quiet productive morn. Nerdy I know, but you can't fight who you are. This morn I got up a extra early to blog a bit. Maybe the most nerdy part about it all is how exciting it is to me and how proud I am of myself, ha. For me the lesson is don't fight who you are, know yourself and be it loud and proud.
What are you going to do this weekend that is for you? What brings you joy? Happiness increases the chances of you exercising/moving. It is true that small amounts of exercise can help with mode and even dramatically impact depression but it is also true that if you are feeling mentally good the chances of you moving are higher. We all agree that exercise sucks, but is essential, so we need to find anything we can do to increase the likely hood of us exercising/moving and getting fitter.
Stand on a step with just your toes on the step and the remainder of your feet of the edge. You may want to hold on to a railing or the wall. Do calf raises up and down. Your entire body will be in one straight line moving up and down. Your point of movement will be at your ankle. The main work load will be in your calves, hamstrings and butt. Do this 20 times and see how it feels. If you were not sore the next day you can increase by 10 a day until you get to 100. Add when by steps.
Keep Moving
I love to get up before the sun on Saturday morning. I go to the grocery store before anyone is up. I like to stop at my favorite gas station and get my car washed, put all recyclable water bottles in the bin, have a nice cup of coffee and enjoy a quiet productive morn. Nerdy I know, but you can't fight who you are. This morn I got up a extra early to blog a bit. Maybe the most nerdy part about it all is how exciting it is to me and how proud I am of myself, ha. For me the lesson is don't fight who you are, know yourself and be it loud and proud.
What are you going to do this weekend that is for you? What brings you joy? Happiness increases the chances of you exercising/moving. It is true that small amounts of exercise can help with mode and even dramatically impact depression but it is also true that if you are feeling mentally good the chances of you moving are higher. We all agree that exercise sucks, but is essential, so we need to find anything we can do to increase the likely hood of us exercising/moving and getting fitter.
Stand on a step with just your toes on the step and the remainder of your feet of the edge. You may want to hold on to a railing or the wall. Do calf raises up and down. Your entire body will be in one straight line moving up and down. Your point of movement will be at your ankle. The main work load will be in your calves, hamstrings and butt. Do this 20 times and see how it feels. If you were not sore the next day you can increase by 10 a day until you get to 100. Add when by steps.
Keep Moving
Friday, October 1, 2010
Happy Friday,
Today after work I spent some time at the Harbor Bar (HB) and put down a few coronas with a friend. As I was having fun looking out at the river enjoying a great time, it occurred to me that sitting at the bar drinking beer was hands down way more fun than exercise. Ok, it didn't occur to me at the bar today. I was just trying to make the connection from my beer drinking fun to this blog. (was a big stretch, ha)
Anyway, good job filling out the fitness survey this week. 100% of you have good hamstring flexibility. Good job! It was a mixed bag on the other question. Some work out 0 and others up to 5 days a week. It would be nice to get some form of movement in daily. Remember so many things count as exercise.
I am going to be doing a weekly fitness survey and a daily random nonsense survey. If you have some survey question ideas just comment and let me know. I will post your ideas. Sometimes I am too serious to think of funny random questions so I can use help on that one daily....
Also, remember that this is great spot to get free info from a personal trainer- ask away.
Keep Moving
Today after work I spent some time at the Harbor Bar (HB) and put down a few coronas with a friend. As I was having fun looking out at the river enjoying a great time, it occurred to me that sitting at the bar drinking beer was hands down way more fun than exercise. Ok, it didn't occur to me at the bar today. I was just trying to make the connection from my beer drinking fun to this blog. (was a big stretch, ha)
Anyway, good job filling out the fitness survey this week. 100% of you have good hamstring flexibility. Good job! It was a mixed bag on the other question. Some work out 0 and others up to 5 days a week. It would be nice to get some form of movement in daily. Remember so many things count as exercise.
I am going to be doing a weekly fitness survey and a daily random nonsense survey. If you have some survey question ideas just comment and let me know. I will post your ideas. Sometimes I am too serious to think of funny random questions so I can use help on that one daily....
Also, remember that this is great spot to get free info from a personal trainer- ask away.
Keep Moving
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wow, the weather was great in Minnesota today. As I was hunched over at my desk today I thought about how important posture is to overall health and fitness. I think my postural problems are often a result of my long held belief that I am carrying the weight of the world. I know it is irrational, I'm making progress. :)
Posture. One good step on the path to fitness is good posture. Trying to have a good posture can seem like a nearly impossible fight for some. Over time if you have a bad posture your body will actually change and make it harder to get back upright. Your chest muscles will shorten and your back muscles will lengthen and your spine will actually make new bones to prevent you from getting back to a good posture.
There are massive benefits to a good posture:
It is active vs passive so you burn calories
Your lungs and other organs can function at their full capacity
Less risk of injury
More likely to effectively use your abdominal muscles
More efficient with all movement
You will look younger
and more...
One key to having a good posture is keep your eyes up. Always remember that your eyes dictate your posture. If you are looking down at the ground your back will end up rounded. If you are looking ahead of yourself you will be more likely to be sporting a good posture.
Sometimes if you have a good posture (women- tits up) you might feel like you are a 'strutting peacock'. The good news is that your fitness is way more important than what others might or might not think about you.
Pilates is one of the best activities to improve posture. If you have questions about posture let me know.
Keep Moving
Posture. One good step on the path to fitness is good posture. Trying to have a good posture can seem like a nearly impossible fight for some. Over time if you have a bad posture your body will actually change and make it harder to get back upright. Your chest muscles will shorten and your back muscles will lengthen and your spine will actually make new bones to prevent you from getting back to a good posture.
There are massive benefits to a good posture:
It is active vs passive so you burn calories
Your lungs and other organs can function at their full capacity
Less risk of injury
More likely to effectively use your abdominal muscles
More efficient with all movement
You will look younger
and more...
One key to having a good posture is keep your eyes up. Always remember that your eyes dictate your posture. If you are looking down at the ground your back will end up rounded. If you are looking ahead of yourself you will be more likely to be sporting a good posture.
Sometimes if you have a good posture (women- tits up) you might feel like you are a 'strutting peacock'. The good news is that your fitness is way more important than what others might or might not think about you.
Pilates is one of the best activities to improve posture. If you have questions about posture let me know.
Keep Moving
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tonight I spent one hour looking on the Internet for different information about exercise. I goggled everything from health and wellness to strength training. I was hoping to pull some fun facts that might help keep people moving. I saved a few cute pics and a fact or two but more importantly, I got something else out of the searching experience- two interesting, mildly anyway, thoughts occurred to me...
1- Wow, there is an amazing amount of information and resources available on the web.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the benefits of exercise is in cyber space available at the touch of your finger tips. There are quotes, pics, videos and even virtual trainers. There is info for young/old, rich/poor, beginners/athletes and all the possible things in between. All of this great information and none of it even remotely made me want to get off my planted ass. Actually I feel a bit less motivated. ha
2- If all this information worked we wouldn't be dealing with such an overwhelmingly inactive and unhealthy population in this country. So, if all the technology, resources, pics, videos, virtual whatever isn't going to work what is?
I think a part of the solution is for each individual to start with knowing yourself (self awareness), loving yourself (self acceptance), and doing something (action). Now that's what I'm talking about.
FITNESS MOVE OF THE DAY: (this is the move for the following day)
Sometime during the course of the day, when you are sitting on a firm chair, do the following: stand up and sit down for one minute straight. Count how many times you can do that in a minute and let us know. If you have pain in your knee joints don't do it. If your muscles get tired keep going. Oh, make sure your butt touches down each time and keep your hands off your thighs. No cheating people.
Keep Moving
1- Wow, there is an amazing amount of information and resources available on the web.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the benefits of exercise is in cyber space available at the touch of your finger tips. There are quotes, pics, videos and even virtual trainers. There is info for young/old, rich/poor, beginners/athletes and all the possible things in between. All of this great information and none of it even remotely made me want to get off my planted ass. Actually I feel a bit less motivated. ha
2- If all this information worked we wouldn't be dealing with such an overwhelmingly inactive and unhealthy population in this country. So, if all the technology, resources, pics, videos, virtual whatever isn't going to work what is?
I think a part of the solution is for each individual to start with knowing yourself (self awareness), loving yourself (self acceptance), and doing something (action). Now that's what I'm talking about.
FITNESS MOVE OF THE DAY: (this is the move for the following day)
Sometime during the course of the day, when you are sitting on a firm chair, do the following: stand up and sit down for one minute straight. Count how many times you can do that in a minute and let us know. If you have pain in your knee joints don't do it. If your muscles get tired keep going. Oh, make sure your butt touches down each time and keep your hands off your thighs. No cheating people.
Keep Moving
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
If you are having some trouble getting started on the path to fitness and need some specific help, comment on this blog with a fitness question. Heck you can even comment with a life question, I'm always willing to give my thoughts. ha. If you have a fitness or life question post a comment. You might also get some help from other blog viewers. It could be fun. We could have a community of support or insight for you.
Keep Moving
Keep Moving
I've had some requests for pictures, so check out this video of me personal training and talking smart.
Keep Moving
Keep Moving
Monday, September 27, 2010
Don't wait for the day when exercise sounds fun to you. For most people exercise really does suck and always will. I never jump out of bed and think "I can't wait to get on the elliptical." I know there are some people who live for it but they are in the minority. Most people are sedentary or they exercise regularly but don't enjoy it. I know this sounds like bad news but really it is ok. Acceptance is everything. If you realize that exercise is a necessary evil, on some level, it will have a better chance of making it a regular part of your life for the rest of your life.
The key is acceptance and also finding what type of exercise/movement you can tolerate. (aka dislike the least) Can I get an amen?
Some good news is that better physical shape you are in the easier and more tolerable all forms of exercise become. Think about it.. what is easier hauling a 100lb overweight body on a mile walk, or moving the same distance with a fit body?
I myself like exercise once I get past the first ten minutes or if I am doing something I really enjoy like kayaking. Ipod doesn't hurt either. I always cover up the time if I am on a machine inside. Know thy self!
Some things in life we need to do even if we don't enjoy them, for most peeps, exercise is on that list.
Keep Moving
The key is acceptance and also finding what type of exercise/movement you can tolerate. (aka dislike the least) Can I get an amen?
Some good news is that better physical shape you are in the easier and more tolerable all forms of exercise become. Think about it.. what is easier hauling a 100lb overweight body on a mile walk, or moving the same distance with a fit body?
I myself like exercise once I get past the first ten minutes or if I am doing something I really enjoy like kayaking. Ipod doesn't hurt either. I always cover up the time if I am on a machine inside. Know thy self!
Some things in life we need to do even if we don't enjoy them, for most peeps, exercise is on that list.
Keep Moving
Sunday, September 26, 2010
If you have a minute please complete the survey on the right side of the blog page. I will do new surveys each week and provide fitness information on the topic based on the survey results. How fun is that....
Keep Moving
Keep Moving
What a great Sunday. Who needs a vacation to Mexico or somewhere in the tropics, I just spent 3 hours alone in my own house. It was amazing. I feel like a new woman.
Sunday night is a good time to make your fitness/self care plan for the week. When are you going to work out this week? Are you going to pack a lunch for work? What are you going to eat? Do you have tomorrows lunch prepared?
If a week seems like too much to plan, what are you planning to do for movement tomorrow? How are you going to make it happen? I like planning an entire week but everyone is different. Make sure on the path to fitness you are always doing what works best for YOU.
Remember that everything you do for movement counts. There are huge benefits to 10 minutes of exercise. One important benefit- exercise/movement is appetite suppressing. Moderate amounts of moderate intensity exercise are appetite suppressing (American Council on Exercise http://www.acefitness.org/). Both intense exercise or no activity are appetite stimulating. Now hear this... moderate amounts of moderate intensity exercise are appetite suppressing. (ex walking at lunch) Let me know if you want more explanation on this because it is important info to understand.
If you are thinking that planning, packing lunches, and exercise all sound like way too much work I hear ya. I'm with you but being unhealthy and out of shape takes a lot of work too. How much time and energy do you spend feeling bad because you don't exercise. How exhausting is it to know you could be fitter. Wouldn't it almost be easier just to pack a lunch or plan your activity for the week? (Heads up, the answer is yes.)
Keep Moving
Sunday night is a good time to make your fitness/self care plan for the week. When are you going to work out this week? Are you going to pack a lunch for work? What are you going to eat? Do you have tomorrows lunch prepared?
If a week seems like too much to plan, what are you planning to do for movement tomorrow? How are you going to make it happen? I like planning an entire week but everyone is different. Make sure on the path to fitness you are always doing what works best for YOU.
Remember that everything you do for movement counts. There are huge benefits to 10 minutes of exercise. One important benefit- exercise/movement is appetite suppressing. Moderate amounts of moderate intensity exercise are appetite suppressing (American Council on Exercise http://www.acefitness.org/). Both intense exercise or no activity are appetite stimulating. Now hear this... moderate amounts of moderate intensity exercise are appetite suppressing. (ex walking at lunch) Let me know if you want more explanation on this because it is important info to understand.
If you are thinking that planning, packing lunches, and exercise all sound like way too much work I hear ya. I'm with you but being unhealthy and out of shape takes a lot of work too. How much time and energy do you spend feeling bad because you don't exercise. How exhausting is it to know you could be fitter. Wouldn't it almost be easier just to pack a lunch or plan your activity for the week? (Heads up, the answer is yes.)
Keep Moving
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Peek- I just had a thought on exercise. Image that.
"I need some motivation." Does this sound familiar to some people. "I was doing so good and now I am off track." "I need to get back to exercising again." If any of these statements are playing over and over in your head just MAKE THEM STOP. These negative recordings are masquerading like helpful thoughts and they are not. If thinking thoughts like this worked you would be exercising. So, instead of the same broken record change your thinking. If you think "I need some motivation." Change that to "I am an amazing woman and mother I cant believe what I get done in a day. Maybe tomorrow I can prioritize my needs on some level." Or if you are thinking "I was doing so good I should get back on track." Change that to something like "I am amazing. I cant believe how much I do for everyone each day. There is no imaginary track to get on and off. I am doing the best I can today. I will move if I get a chance." If you start treating yourself kinder the likely hood of you exercising and moving is greatly increased. If the negative crap worked we would all be on the exercise bike right now.
Keep Moving
"I need some motivation." Does this sound familiar to some people. "I was doing so good and now I am off track." "I need to get back to exercising again." If any of these statements are playing over and over in your head just MAKE THEM STOP. These negative recordings are masquerading like helpful thoughts and they are not. If thinking thoughts like this worked you would be exercising. So, instead of the same broken record change your thinking. If you think "I need some motivation." Change that to "I am an amazing woman and mother I cant believe what I get done in a day. Maybe tomorrow I can prioritize my needs on some level." Or if you are thinking "I was doing so good I should get back on track." Change that to something like "I am amazing. I cant believe how much I do for everyone each day. There is no imaginary track to get on and off. I am doing the best I can today. I will move if I get a chance." If you start treating yourself kinder the likely hood of you exercising and moving is greatly increased. If the negative crap worked we would all be on the exercise bike right now.
Keep Moving
This morning I attended a 2 mile walk event for domestic violence awareness. It was great to be helping a good cause and also getting some movement in.
I don't have any thoughts on exercise this afternoon but I do have a thought on happiness..
When I was driving my boys to school yesterday I past a boy on his bike. The boy looked about 12 years old and he was traveling at top speed down a hill. I feel so blessed that at the exact right moment I looked at him and saw what appeared to be pure joy on his face. I keep having a flashback to how happy he looks and it instantly makes me feel happy. Sometimes its the simple things.
I bet this might not be what you expected from an exercise blog but I rarely give people what they expect. :)
I don't have any thoughts on exercise this afternoon but I do have a thought on happiness..
When I was driving my boys to school yesterday I past a boy on his bike. The boy looked about 12 years old and he was traveling at top speed down a hill. I feel so blessed that at the exact right moment I looked at him and saw what appeared to be pure joy on his face. I keep having a flashback to how happy he looks and it instantly makes me feel happy. Sometimes its the simple things.
I bet this might not be what you expected from an exercise blog but I rarely give people what they expect. :)
Friday, September 24, 2010
To sit or stand that is the question
Happy Friday,
Lately it has been hard to pull my lazy butt out of bed in the morning but today with the exciting prospect of blogging I am up and at it early. I definitely am a morning person. Enough about my energy or lack there of in the morn....
My thoughts about exercise today are about the necessity of separating weight loss and exercise goals. If you are going to get and/or stay active it is important to separate exercise and weight loss. I know this is a tough one for a lot of people. If your primary motivation for getting fit is weight loss you will likely fail. Results wont come fast enough, or maybe ever be enough. On days when you want to skip the exercise bike you might have thoughts like, "he should love me if I am fat or not I'm gonna skip it." Or, you might do the "I went for a walk so I can have an ice cream cone, blah blah."
Make the decision today- that you will get moving and staying moving because you deserve to be fit. You owe it to yourself and the people you love to take good care of your body regardless of what does or doesn't happen with your weight. The main reason I exercise is mental health. I believe that if I didn't exercise every day I would be heavily medicated. I know that I am a better person, mother, boss, friend if I get some exercise in each day. Obviously a by product of exercise/movement and healthy living is fat loss but it will help you to stay motivated if that is not the main reason you are getting and staying active.
Make goals for exercise/movement that are not weight loss related.
Ex. I am going to walk 10 minutes five days a week this month. (I am going to do it because I get to and I deserve to be healthy)
Also, remember that exercise doesn't have to be 30 minutes at the gym. You can try to increase your ADL's this week. (Activities of Daily Living) You can make small changes that will produce big benefits. I know I know. You have heard the stupid "stand up at your desk every 50 minutes" or "park further away in the parking lot" blah blah. As boring as these things sound they can work but only if you make them work for YOU. Get to know who you are and how your day typically lays out. Think of a few ways you can increase movement that will work for you.
I myself, would rather sit down when I talk on the phone and not pace around like a spaz. I like to take 2 trips into the house with 5 grocery bags a trip. I could, of course, make 10 trips but really... I would also like to sit while my copies print at work and not do side leg lifts at the copier. What I am inclined to do and what I do to care for myself, on a good week, might be different. Didn't someone say 'fake it until you make it.' The point is that we owe it to our bodies and the people we love to care for ourselves and these are a few ways I can do it. Just pick one thing you can do today to care for your physical body.
Pick one or make one up:
drink more water
sit up straight - uses lots of muscles
take deep breaths
It is important to note that objects that are in motion stay in motion and objects that are at rest stay at rest. Keep moving....
Lately it has been hard to pull my lazy butt out of bed in the morning but today with the exciting prospect of blogging I am up and at it early. I definitely am a morning person. Enough about my energy or lack there of in the morn....
My thoughts about exercise today are about the necessity of separating weight loss and exercise goals. If you are going to get and/or stay active it is important to separate exercise and weight loss. I know this is a tough one for a lot of people. If your primary motivation for getting fit is weight loss you will likely fail. Results wont come fast enough, or maybe ever be enough. On days when you want to skip the exercise bike you might have thoughts like, "he should love me if I am fat or not I'm gonna skip it." Or, you might do the "I went for a walk so I can have an ice cream cone, blah blah."
Make the decision today- that you will get moving and staying moving because you deserve to be fit. You owe it to yourself and the people you love to take good care of your body regardless of what does or doesn't happen with your weight. The main reason I exercise is mental health. I believe that if I didn't exercise every day I would be heavily medicated. I know that I am a better person, mother, boss, friend if I get some exercise in each day. Obviously a by product of exercise/movement and healthy living is fat loss but it will help you to stay motivated if that is not the main reason you are getting and staying active.
Make goals for exercise/movement that are not weight loss related.
Ex. I am going to walk 10 minutes five days a week this month. (I am going to do it because I get to and I deserve to be healthy)
Also, remember that exercise doesn't have to be 30 minutes at the gym. You can try to increase your ADL's this week. (Activities of Daily Living) You can make small changes that will produce big benefits. I know I know. You have heard the stupid "stand up at your desk every 50 minutes" or "park further away in the parking lot" blah blah. As boring as these things sound they can work but only if you make them work for YOU. Get to know who you are and how your day typically lays out. Think of a few ways you can increase movement that will work for you.
I myself, would rather sit down when I talk on the phone and not pace around like a spaz. I like to take 2 trips into the house with 5 grocery bags a trip. I could, of course, make 10 trips but really... I would also like to sit while my copies print at work and not do side leg lifts at the copier. What I am inclined to do and what I do to care for myself, on a good week, might be different. Didn't someone say 'fake it until you make it.' The point is that we owe it to our bodies and the people we love to care for ourselves and these are a few ways I can do it. Just pick one thing you can do today to care for your physical body.
Pick one or make one up:
drink more water
sit up straight - uses lots of muscles
take deep breaths
It is important to note that objects that are in motion stay in motion and objects that are at rest stay at rest. Keep moving....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Exercise Sucks
Hi, I am excited for today being my first day of blogging on the exercise sucks blog. The premise of this blog is that exercise sucks but it sucks less than being out of shape, unhealthy, etc. I am a certified personal trainer that has a hard time getting motivated to exercise every day. I believe that exercise/movement is the main key to health and happiness but I also know that it is really hard! I think that every person is worthy and capable of enjoying their bodies ability to move and that often times real people need real people info and motivation.
I am mostly writing this blog because I have so much information in my mind about fitness for real people and I just want to dump it out to the world. So here we go... happy dumping.... I feel better already.
Exercise sucks! Remember to start small if you are trying to make movement part of your life. Every minute that you are moving counts. It all counts. 3 ten minutes bouts of exercise is equal to one 30 minute bout.
If anyone has exercise questions I could answer those here also but only if they real people questions.
No fitness freaks allowed. :)
I am mostly writing this blog because I have so much information in my mind about fitness for real people and I just want to dump it out to the world. So here we go... happy dumping.... I feel better already.
Exercise sucks! Remember to start small if you are trying to make movement part of your life. Every minute that you are moving counts. It all counts. 3 ten minutes bouts of exercise is equal to one 30 minute bout.
If anyone has exercise questions I could answer those here also but only if they real people questions.
No fitness freaks allowed. :)
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